Data Management Best Practices & Standards

A collection of data management best practices information for Belmont Forum researchers

Belmont Forum Best Practices

Data should be:

  1. Discoverable through catalogues and search engines
  2. Accessible as open data by default, and made available with minimum time delay
  3. Understandable in a way that allows researchers—including those outside the discipline of origin—to use them
  4. Manageable and protected from loss for future use in sustainable, trustworthy repositories

For more information, please consult the Belmont Forum Data Policy and Principles directive, found here.

Data Policy Comparison Tool

A number of Belmont Forum member agencies already have data policies that may come with data management requirements. Policies must be adhered to by all researchers funded by that agency, even when they are collaborating with researchers funded by agencies with no formal data policy. The Data Policy Comparison Tool promotes compliance with data policies by enabling side by side comparison of specific topics within a data policy. Researchers can compare the policy requirements from up to three funding agencies simultaneously. The tool features data policies from 20 Belmont Forum member and science funding agencies.

Curricula Framework

In November 2017, the Belmont Forum endorsed a Data Skills Curricula Framework to enhance information management skills for data-intensive science at its annual Plenary Meeting. Learn more here.